“Altered Perceptions” unravels a world shrouded in a mysterious epidemic of gruesome murders and suicides. The film introduces Alex Feretti, who grapples with the intricate web of his personal life and his association with the bigoted anti-science boss, Senator Ted DeMarcos. Amidst bizarre occurrences like the appearance of an intergalactic prophet and DeMarcos’s sinister plans to target marginalized groups, the plot unfolds.
The movie features standout performances by actors like Eric Roberts and Lynn Lowry, enriching its kaleidoscopic narrative. “Altered Perceptions” doesn’t hold back, addressing contemporary cultural and political issues head-on and serving as a warning against complicity in oppressive systems.
As Alex races against time to thwart impending tyranny, the film provides a sobering view of the consequences of our actions and beliefs. It delivers a harsh but necessary message for a world teetering on the edge between darkness and light. Visit my flixer for more!