Streaming on Amazon Prime, “My Fault” is a Spanish film that meshes together elements from various movies, resulting in a chaotic yet strangely compelling outcome. Following the story of Noah, a spirited teenager who moves in with her mother’s boyfriend and becomes entangled in a complicated relationship with his son, Nick, the film is rife with clichés and cringe-worthy dialogue. It oscillates between the realms of teen romance and action-thriller genres, often with questionable execution. Despite its lack of character development and narrative coherence, “My Fault” manages to captivate viewers as a guilty pleasure, leaving them curious about its unpredictable trajectory. It strikes a delicate balance between entertainment and laughter, making it an imperfect yet intriguing choice for those seeking a unique cinematic experience. Visit myflixer for more!
My Fault
| June 8, 2023 (United States)
Director: Domingo GonzálezWriter: Domingo González, Mercedes RonStars: Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas
Summary: Noah has to leave her town, boyfriend and friends behind and move into the mansion of her mother's new rich husband. There she meets Nick, her new stepbrother. They fall madly in love in sec... Read all
Countries: Spain