Directed by William Oldroyd, “Eileen” immerses viewers in the stark reality of Eileen’s life in a small Massachusetts town. The decay and destitution that characterize her world take an unexpected turn with the arrival of Dr. Rebecca St. John, portrayed by Anne Hathaway as a vision of sophistication. The film, intentionally without voiceover, allows Eileen’s mysterious perspective to shape the narrative. Her sudden transformation challenges conventional expectations, evoking a cinematic sense of loneliness from the 1970s. Thomasin McKenzie’s portrayal of Eileen is intricate, rejecting conventional likability for emotional dislocation and untapped potential. Hathaway’s Rebecca injects an electrifying dynamic, exploring a relationship with dangerously blurred boundaries. “Eileen” remains true to Ottessa Moshfegh’s novel, embracing filth and ugliness for a wintry narrative that defies typical conventions. Visit my flixer for more!
| December 8, 2023 (United States)
Director: William OldroydWriter: Luke Goebel, Ottessa MoshfeghStars: Thomasin McKenzie, Shea Whigham, Sam Nivola
Summary: A woman's friendship with a new co-worker at the prison facility where she works takes a sinister turn.
Countries: United States, United Kingdom, South KoreaLanguages: English