“Don’t Look Away,” a 2023 Canadian supernatural horror film directed and co-produced by Michael Bafaro, introduces us to Frankie, a young woman tormented by a malevolent mannequin. The nightmare begins when a group of criminals inadvertently unleashes a supernatural force, putting Frankie and her friends in grave danger. Frankie embarks on a quest to stop the mannequin’s reign of terror, but she soon realizes that once you’ve laid eyes on this sinister figure, there may be no escape. The film promises inventive scares, including a spine-chilling disco bloodbath, and features a standout performance by Kelly Bastard, who portrays the struggle to maintain sanity while uncovering the mystery. Combining the tension of “It Follows” with the urban legend horror of “Candyman,” “Don’t Look Away” is a must-see for horror enthusiasts. Just remember, it’s not for solo viewing. Visit myflixer for more!
Don't Look Away
| September 1, 2023 (Pakistan)
Director: Micheal BafaroWriter: Micheal Bafaro, Michael MittonStars: Kelly Bastard, Michael Mitton, Colm Hill
Summary: It doesn't move, it doesn't think, it just kills. For one young woman, a chance encounter with this supernatural entity proves devastating. Frankie learns that once you see the mannequin, th... Read all
Countries: CanadaLanguages: English