Bird Box Barcelona, set in the same world as the original Bird Box, unfolds in Barcelona, Spain. This spinoff film offers a fresh perspective on the crisis triggered by mysterious creatures that drive humans to suicide. The story centers around Sebastián, who struggles to survive in the devastated city. It delves into the complex dynamics between humans and the creatures, exposing an ideological rift. Sebastián’s actions suggest manipulation, adding layers of suspense. When he encounters a young girl who resembles his deceased daughter, they discover a potential refuge for their group. Despite a slightly messy third act and unresolved character arcs, the film compensates with strong performances and a character-centric approach. Bird Box Barcelona endeavors to revitalize the franchise and pave the way for future chapters. Visit myflixer for more!
Bird Box: Barcelona
| July 14, 2023 (United States)
Director: David Pastor, Àlex PastorWriter: Àlex Pastor, David PastorStars: Mario Casas, Georgina Campbell, Diego Calva
Summary: After an entity of mysterious origin annihilates the world's population causing those who observe it to take their lives, Sebastián and his daughter begin their own great adventure of surviv... Read all
Countries: SpainLanguages: Spanish, English, German