The Mother is an action-packed film that follows the story of a former assassin, played by Jennifer Lopez, who comes out of hiding to protect her daughter, played by Lucy Paez, from a dangerous criminal. The movie features an all-star supporting cast that includes Joseph Fiennes, Omari Hardwick, and Gael GarcĂa Bernal. Directed by Niki Caro and written by Misha Green, Andrea Berloff, and Peter Craig, The Mother is a gripping and intense movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Visit my flixer movies for more!
The Mother
| May 12, 2023 (United States)
Director: Niki CaroWriter: Misha Green, Andrea Berloff, Peter CraigStars: Jennifer Lopez, Lucy Paez, Omari Hardwick
Summary: While fleeing from dangerous assailants, an assassin comes out of hiding to protect her daughter she left earlier in life.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: Ukrainian, English