The sequel “Buddy Games: Spring Awakening,” directed by Josh Duhamel, disappoints as a follow-up to the original film. The story revolves around a group of six friends, all of whom are deeply unlikable, reuniting after a prolonged period of estrangement. Their purpose is to scatter the ashes of their deceased comrade at the beach resort where they first conceived the “Buddy Games.” However, their plans take an unexpected turn when they find the town overrun by spring breakers who have established their own version of the games. Reluctantly, the group is forced to compete against much younger teams.
Unfortunately, the film swiftly abandons this premise, introducing an even worse plotline. Two of the friends become entangled in a peculiar cult led by a deranged leader determined to reform alpha males. Meanwhile, the remaining two embark on a quest to find their departed friend’s long-lost love. The movie relies heavily on tasteless and unfunny gross-out gags, including the consumption of a skunk and a failed attempt at referencing Kurosawa.
“Buddy Games: Spring Awakening” falls flat on all fronts. The characters remain unlikable, the humor fails to elicit laughter, and the storytelling lacks coherence. Duhamel’s direction lacks finesse, and the performances by the cast are uninspiring. The movie’s feeble attempts at sincerity in its final moments only serve to amplify its comedic failure. Ultimately, it is a pitiful film devoid of humor or any redeeming qualities. If anyone claims to find this movie amusing, it is advisable to steer clear of them and their taste in comedy. Visit myflixer movie for more!