“Quicksand,” directed by Andres Beltran and written by Matt Pitts, follows the story of a couple on the verge of divorce, embarking on a trip to South America. The film’s prologue in the rainforest sets the tone for a gripping thriller, but the subsequent scenes lose their impact due to disorienting fast cutting and an overpowering score. Carolina Gaitán and Allan Hawco deliver convincing performances as the troubled couple trying to find their way back to each other while stuck in the rainforest. However, the screenplay lacks the depth needed to make their journey emotionally resonant. Despite the potential of the concept, “Quicksand” falls short of becoming a truly compelling and emotionally gripping film. Visit myflixer movies for more!
| June 23, 2023 (United States)
Summary: Follows a married couple almost divorcing who become trapped in quicksand while hiking through a rainforest in Colombia. They will battle the elements of the jungle and must work together in... Read all
Countries: ColombiaLanguages: English