“Knights of the Zodiac” (Saint Seiya: The Beginning) is an upcoming live-action film based on the beloved manga series by Masami Kurumada. Directed by Tomasz Bagiński and produced by Toei Animation in collaboration with ARGF, the movie is slated to release on May 12, 2023 (April 28, 2023, in Japan).
The story revolves around Seiya, a young orphan who discovers his true destiny as the protector of a young girl who harbors the power of a war goddess. To save the world, Seiya must confront his own past and embrace his role as one of the Knights of the Zodiac.
The cast includes Mackenyu Arata as Pegasus Seiya, Madison Iseman as Sienna Kido/Athena, Diego Tinoco as Phoenix Nero, Sean Bean as Alman Kido, Mark Dacascos as Mylock, Famke Janssen as Graad, Nick Stahl as Cassios, T.J. Storm as Docrates, David Torok as Jaki, Ryūsei Iwata as young Seiya, and Kaylan Teague as Patricia.
Fans of the original manga can look forward to an exhilarating cinematic experience as the iconic Knights of the Zodiac come to life in this highly anticipated live-action adaptation. Visit my flixer for more!